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Sequence columns


Sequence columns allow you to extract a value from the context and to display/search for it in the dashboards and standards views .

To add or edit a Sequence column, go to Configure/Sequence columns

Click the + button

KeyUnique key
Display nameColumn displayed name
Data typeType
Value pathContext path to the value to extract

Dashboard usage

To add a Sequence columns to a widget in a dashboard go to the Table tab in your widget configuration and scroll down. After the standard columns you will be able to select the Sequence columns of your choice.

Same for permanent filters and for toolbar filters

Std views usage

Sequence columns are available in standard views such as "User jobs", "Sequences Monitoring" and "History".

To display a Sequence Column, simply click in the Columns title on the left to open the lost of available columns and check the one you need.

To search on the values of sequences column, scroll down the bottom and you will be able to enter search values.