Installing Pulse-IT/Automate-IT Worker on Docker
- Installing Pulse-IT/Automate-IT Worker on Docker
Requirements To install Pulse-IT/Automate-IT Worker on Docker, you will need:
- a Pulse-IT/Automate-IT server running
- a server running a Linux of your choice and with Docker and Docker Compose installed
- at least 16 GB of RAM for the worker (more may be required depending on the tasks you run)
- at least 250 GB of free disk space
- access to a shared storage (R/W).
Note: For a simple install or a preproduction environment, you may install a worker on the same machine as the server.
Preparation steps
Docker installation on CentOS, Redhat, Amazon Linux
$> sudo yum install docker
$> sudo service docker start
$> sudo usermod -a -G docker $(whoami)
$> sudo chkconfig docker on
$> sudo yum install -y git
$> sudo reboot
Download docker-compose from Github
$> wget$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)
$> sudo mv docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
$> sudo chmod -v +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
Docker installation on Rocky Linux
$> sudo dnf check-update
$> sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo
$> sudo dnf install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
$> sudo systemctl start docker
$> sudo systemctl enable docker
$> sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
$> exit
Exit And reconnect
Login into Embrace Docker repository
$ docker login
user: embracecustomer
Install Pulse-IT/Automate-IT
Prepare the installer
- Copy the installer to a folder of your choice
unzip <installer>.zip
- Enter into installer folder
- Edit the .local.env file
Uncomment the following lines and replace their values to match your environment:
RABBITMQ_HOST={RabbitMQ-HostIP} # Rabbitmq Host IP without protocol prefix, use Pulse-IT/Automate-IT address if not using an external RabbitMQ
RABBITMQ_SSL=True # True if RabbitMQ is using SSL
RABBITMQ_USER= # RabbitMQ user name, leave empty if using the default user
RABBITMQ_PWD= # RabbitMQ password, leave empty if using the default password
SERVER_ADDRESS=http://{serverIP} # Pulse-IT/Automate-IT address with protocol prefix
SERVER_USER=admin # Pulse-IT/Automate-IT Admin User name used to connect worker
SERVER_PASSWORD=admin # Pulse-IT/Automate-IT Admin password no encryption
NODE_NAME=OhMyNode-1 # Worker node name shown in the Pulse-IT/Automate-IT worker UI
- Add execute permission to the
chmod +x
Install Pulse-IT/Automate-IT
$> ./
Check the worker is working properly
- Open a web browser and navigate to
- Navigate to Monitor > Nodes
- Click on the Nodes list tab
- A worker with the name you specified during configuration (NODE_NAME) should be displayed in the list.
- The first three icons should be green on the worker, indicating a successful connection.
helper script
Your installation folder contains a helper script. Without any option, the script will execute the docker-compose up
Options available:
Embrace Utility Script
Usage ./ [option]
--restart to restart Embrace application
--down to stop and remove application containers
--upgrade to upgrade existing installation
--status to see containers status
--use-external-db to use external existing database (Database won't be created and managed by this script)
--use-external-services to use external existing database, RabbitMQ and Redis (Database, RabbitMQ and Redis won't be created and managed by this script)
--default-shared-storage <mountPath> specify a storage to mount when starting app. This option is required for no input install.
--mount-volume <mountPath> to mount a volume shared between the host and containers
Install the app without requesting user input for default shared storage
./ --default-shared-volume /mnt/sharing
Mount a storage at /mnt/sharing for shared usage between the host and app container:
./ --mount-volume /mnt/sharing
Volume mapping
Let's say you have a host mounted shared point on /mnt/sharing and that you want to have it available mounted on Pulse-IT/Automate-IT Worker
Run the utility script with option --mount-volume
$> ./ --mount-volume /mnt/sharing
Upgrading a Pulse-IT/Automate-IT worker
- Copy the installer to your server
- Run the
./ --upgrade
- Check the worker is working properly